2014 European Swimming Championships


Olympic Park, London


Visit London, British Swimming, London Development Agency, UK Sport


feasibility, income and expenditure, economic impact, funding analysis

Start / completion dates

July - November 2009

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With the availability of the Aquatics Centre now being built for the 2012 Olympics, there is an aspiration to use the facility for other events such as the 2014 European Swimming championships and Capita Symonds was appointed to test the feasibility of such a bid. The overall aims were twofold. Firstly, to investigate whether the Aquatics Centre could host the event in its legacy mode (and the likely costs, income and benefits of so doing) and secondly to assess the level of sponsorship and public funding that could be available to support the staging costs. The key areas of the study were: 1. technical feasibility – an assessment of the legacy plans and timescales for the Aquatics Centre and how these match up to the requirements for the Championships 2. event income and expenditure – an assessment of the likely expenditure budget for the tournament and income that could be achieved 3. event impact – an estimate of the economic and social / sporting impact on East London 4. sponsorship opportunities – identification of income or other support to offset costs 5. public funding – assessment of funding that could be available to support the staging costs 6. event alternatives – a review of other events (e.g. national championships) that the Aquatics Centre could host.


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