Jinan Cbd Masterplan


Jinan, Shangdong, China


Jinan Government


Master Planning and Architecture




239,500 sqm


121, 800 sqm


In Construction

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Designed as the most important commercial and transportation hub in the area, the concept is derived from a ripple effect – a strategy with the intention of setting off a chain reaction that will kick start the success of the area as well as to create a vibrant CBD hub. As part of the overall city planning, the site already has proposed to include the next underground station in the area which will link back to the city centre. Taking advantage of the underground connection and unavoidable construction cost, the design collectively brings together a transportation element and combines that with convenient access and retail components that will keep the place flexible, clean and vibrant at all levels within the site. A underground street that opens to the outdoor environment lines the central green boulevard which is accessed from sunken plazas, towers, underground station and landscape lifts, meaning that the overall outdoor greenscape is kept to an maximum whilst on grade, the buildings are seen as clean and elegant objects that protrudes out of the land forming natural connections to the site. As part of the sustainable strategy, on top of building treatment, the design of each building is sculpted both at high and lower levels of the building to direct and filter rainwater to strategic landscaped area which will help support the maintain the ecology of the space. A 300m tower sits in the heart of the master plan which ‘hits’ the ground both on grade and at lower basement level where the sunken commercial street passes through, creating a human felt scale to the design as well as a different experience for the workers, visitors and other guests.


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