Shimao Chengdu CBD


Chengdu, China




Master Planning and Architecture




710,000 sqm


4,970,000 sqm


In Construction

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The design explores both the economical and environmental of the positioning of a new city centre at the heart of Chengdu. Situated at the western edge of the city’s main train station, the site offers the ideal gateway and commercial hub criteria. The strategy, exploited by the ‘3E’ concept; Explore, Exchange and Entertain, sets the foundation for the economical approach to the design and positioning, whilst physically and architecturally, the strategy is supported by the ‘NEW’ approach; Natural Green Shading, Eliminate Pedestrian Interaction with Traffic, Water, allows the entire development to work harmoniously together as a more sustainable and green hub that is vibrant and active at all times. The site is distributed to focus on creating a very active node, to help and support and 24/7 vibrant area. With the retail fully concentrated in the heart with a mall to the south, this will encourage and drive people into the development and help retain them with a series of retail components both on ground and underground. The residential is pushed to the west creating a more quiet and well designed relax zone for the residents with views to the park. Designed to read as the gateway to Chengdu and the development, seen both directly from the station and the park on the west, the building appears to lean towards each other and creating a close relationship bringing together the two side of the site which is separated from by the green boulevard. These ‘gateway towers’ are designed to act as the heart, soul and starting point of the development within the master plan, the concept of the twin towers grows from the ground as the root of the area. Spiraling upwards, the two towers connects the ground into the vertical axis, flourishing the start of the entire area.


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