  • 架構設計

    建築是為人們創造最佳,可持續和美麗環境的藝術和科學。 360全球設計解決方案源於協作過程,鼓勵我們的多學科團隊研究替代方案,分享知識並設想解決我們建築環境挑戰的新方法。
  • Master Planning

    建築是為人們創造最佳,可持續和美麗環境的藝術和科學。 360全球設計解決方案源於協作過程,鼓勵我們的多學科團隊研究替代方案,分享知識並設想解決我們建築環境挑戰的新方法。
  • 商業和零售

  • Landscape Design

    Our landscape architects shape environments that connect people to each other and to the world around them. For projects ranging from less than half an acre to millions of acres, our landscape architects blend imaginative design gestures with natural systems to establish a sense of place. Using biomimicry to inform our solutions, we looks to the “genius of the place” — the native species, ecologies and cultures — for design inspiration, performance measures and time-tested resiliency strategies.
  • Stadium and Arena Design

    Good design is a team endeavour. It’s vital from the outset for the design team to listen carefully to key stakeholders: from the local community to the investors, and from the boardroom to the fans. This collaborative approach helps design teams reach the best solution and improve a project’s chance of success. When thinking about a new facility, the design should be informed by several factors including the potential event calendar, context, climate and culture. The team needs a deep understanding of how the building operates in relation to the site. A project’s deliverability also is based on having a realistic view of what types of events, and how many, the facility will attract, as well as the project’s budget aspirations.
  • Indoor Snow and Ice Sports Centre

    Design is committed to the development of future generations’ interest and growth in the Winter Sports sector. Our team strongly belief that through experienced design, the Winter Sports culture and experience can be fun and educational no matter where the project is
  • Ski Resorts and Ski Centres Architecture and Engineering

    Design remains involved with the centres it creates to provide comfort for owners and operators and to ensure that the technology is utilised to its best potential
  • Theme Park Design

    Our design services are comprehensive and are based on our many years of actually operating themed facilities. We know what it takes to make a facility ebb and flow, and we apply this knowledge to our design services. From concept design to master planning, and from schematic design to design development, ITPS works collaboratively with your team to bring the expertise needed for embracing all aspects of project design. This level of expertise in design will help assure that strategies are in place to attract and entertain your many guests.
  • Ski Centre Operation

    Our greatest mission is to share as many people as possible with enchantment of nature and exciting experiences of winter sports by exploring a variety of solutions on every issue related to skiing resort operation and by creating extraordinary times and spaces.